Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17

Lunchtime Expedition : : So there's an irony to this photo. This was the only photo I took today. I had packed my camera to go out for a lunchtime photo walk with my daughter in tow. But when I arrived at the path, I discovered I had left my memory card in the computer. Bummer, as I have to consciously make efforts to carry DSLR camera out and about with me since carrying a little one too requires a bit more coordination with that camera. 


  1. Oh sorry Laurel I cant tell you the number of times I have done the same thing. Now I just keep a memory card in my purse at all times so that I have a back up.

    1. That's a good idea. I think I might do that in the future.

  2. I've done that before, leave my SD card in the computer. Glad it's not just me! I did it the other day when I was stalking the hummingbird in my yard, ah well.
